Wisdom and Wonder Women's Circle Starting March 2025 A group for B E L O N G I N G, not fitting in.

Are you a woman looking for new, meaningful conversations? Are you seeking answers from within yourself? Are you longing for real connection with other like-minded women?

Join me for this informal, welcoming circle where we will go down the rabbit hole to explore who we are, how we show up in the world, how we can step into our power and live a life with purpose and meaning.  

A unique gathering of women, a space that enables us to slow down and check in with ourselves, dropping the mask and being seen, heard and supported.  

Each session will be a mixture of readings, the latest coaching research, discussions, guidance, sharing wisdom, uplifting each other, being each other’s cheerleaders. Together we will evolve as a group and go where the path takes us.

The circle will be a confidential space for women to connect, reflect, learn, share and grow.  It is a group for belonging, not fitting in.

Some of the themes and questions our circle will address;

Authenticity - What roles do we play? What masks do we wear?  Who is the real me?

Power - how can we step into our power as a woman?  What is our relationship to power?  

Knowing - moving from cognitive knowing to heart knowing and beyond.

Leadership - what/who are we leading?  Leadership of the self. Backbone and heart.

Wintering - Women and the winter season.  Embracing the darkness.

Nourishment - Care of the Self.  Where do we end and others begin.  Solitude.

Medusa - Women and anger.  What is our relationship to anger? The origins of our rage.

Meaning - what makes life meaningful?  Living a life aligned with our values.

Archetypes and dreams - what our dreams are trying to tell us.  The submerged Self.

The Mirror - what our relationships reflect back to us.  Judgement as an invitation to grow.  How to create relationships that are vital and healing.

Shadow - harnessing what we refuse to acknowledge.

Thresholds and liminal spaces - the cycles of life, the holding patterns, the suspended Self.

Traitors and Faithfuls - our self-sabotaging patterns, whereabouts we betray ourselves, what parts of us are our Faithfuls?

The Body - what messages do our bodies give us? What is our relationship with our body?  Our body as our own.

The Patriarchy - what is our role?  How has it affected the men in our lives as well as us as women?

and much much more........

We will also draw on readings, teachings and meditations from some of the world’s wisest thought leaders - Eckhart Tolle, Dr Shefali Tsabary, Carolyn Myss, Carl Jung, Nancy Kline, Sonia Choquette, Louise Hay, Martha Beck, Elizabeth Gilbert amongst many many others.

Cherish this sacred gift of time for yourself.  

There is a contagious effect of people who love their lives, and this joy, driven by authenticity, has the ability to impact the world. Florence Givens

Let the wisdom and wonder begin.

This is a monthly face-to-face group at a location near Horsham. Starting March 2025.
Fridays 10.30am-midday
Please contact me for further details