If you're wondering whether you actually need a coach, it might be useful to consider this question

Imagine yourself in six month's time, having successfully worked on the challenges you're facing today, what would be different?

If you want to see changes, live a more fulfilled life and realign with who you truly are in this life, then self-awareness is key. Without knowing ourselves deeply, we're not living, we're existing. Maybe that sounds a bit 'new age' or 'woo woo', but the bottom line is that coaching works. And there's nothing mysterious about it. It's based on and draws upon principles from a wide range of fields, from positive psychology to training to spirituality to counselling and personal development. The coach's own personality, approaches and life experience will also come into the mix.

We all have a story, but sometimes the stories we tell ourselves are no longer helpful. They can keep us stuck in an unhappy situation and prevent us from moving on. Coaching gives you the space to tell your story, to talk, think and be heard; A coach will reflect back to you what you're thinking and feeling. It's incredibly powerful and often unexpectedly moving.

Being coached is a bit like creating a map of yourself, marking out patterns, exploring unchartered territories, discovering new terrain and ultimately identifying our true selves.

Are you struggling to achieve what you want out of life? Do you want to move forward, but get ‘stuck’ each time you try? Maybe you’re facing a major life change such as the end of a relationship or a redundancy. Do you feel invisible in your own life? Do you still feel 25 inside? Do you wonder who you are, where did the real you go? Do you want to feel like you’ve ‘come home’

Below are just a few examples of challenges that have led people to come to coaching in the past

You feel 'stuck'
You're at a career crossroads
You don't know who you are any more, lost
You want to work on a particular challenge that is holding you back, for example, fear of public speaking, always choosing the wrong relationship, losing weight for a wedding, giving up smoking
You want to feel alive again

You feel unmotivated
You're wondering what happened to the dreams you had
You want a better financial situation
You want a more fulfilled career
You want a sense of purpose

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